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All Level CrossFit
In partnership with the Chasing Hazel Foundation offers an adaptive athlete program.
Essex County Heroes Athletic Club
Wednesday night basketball at General Amherst Highschool. Tuesday night basketball at Colchester North Public School. (Oct-May) Contact Michelle Jones-Rousseau at 519-791-3302 or Mike Cox at 519-736-8559
I Can Shine
A bike program that helps kids with special needs lose the training wheels
In Honour of the Ones We Love
In Honour of the Ones We Love offers a therapeutic martial arts program to individuals of all abilities.
Industry Dance Company
Industry Dance Company strives to provide a one-of-a-kind learning experience for dancers of all levels and ages.
Italian Canadian Handicapable Association
ICHA offers Bocce, Taekwondo, Soccer, Art Class, Dance Class, Yoga with Coco, Floor hockey. They also offer 5 pin and 10 pin Bowling & Basketball at offsite locations, as well as many social functions including their Annual Fishing Derby.
John McGivney Children’s Centre
The John McGivney Children's Centre provides rehabilitative services to the Windsor and Essex County community, as well as offers occasional programs, activities and day camps to children, youth and adults with special needs.
LaSalle Windsor Special Olympics
LaSalle Windsor Special Olympics offers basketball, floor hockey, snowshoeing, swimming, track and field, baseball, weightlifting.
Maximum Training Centre
In partnership with In Honour of the Ones We Love offers an adaptive martial arts program.
Pin Pals Bowling
A night of bowling for individuals with special needs and their families. It is intended to bring individuals who, for whatever reason, may be having some difficulty forging friendships and making meaningful connections outside of their immediate family.
Special Olympics Ontario
Competitions are structured so that athletes compete with other athletes of similar ability in equitable divisions.
Sunshine Dance Studios
A fitness studio inspired to have fun and create a community for people with intellectual disabilities and their peers.
The Miracle League of Amherstburg
“Every Child Deserves A Chance to Play Baseball.”
Windsor Regional Children's Centre
Programs for children and youth within Family Mental Health and Addictions Services.
Windsor-Essex Therapeutic Riding Association
Committed to improving the quality of life of persons with physical, mental and emotional challenges through equine related therapy.
Chasing Hazel Foundation
Chasing Hazel Foundation offers advocacy, support and programs for individuals with Down syndrome and their families.
Children First Windsor
Children First provides services to families with children birth to six years of age who have special needs.
Community Integration through Cooperative Education (CICE)
The CICE program is a 2 year Ontario College Certificate designed to provide individuals with developmental disabilities the opportunity to pursue a post secondary education.
Community Living Essex County
We are committed to support people in achieving their goals and dreams and to realize their value as full citizens in their community.
Community Living Windsor
Community Living Windsor provides support and services to over 500 people who have an intellectual disability and their families in Windsor and our community.
Making connections, inspiring strength, parents as partners. Ensemble is a parent-directed resource for families caring for a child with a disability that provides support from birth through adulthood.
Family Respite
Family Respite Services provides families who have children with disabilities a short break by providing a host family or an individual to care for their child.
Greater Essex County District School Board
SEAC is a school board committee with trustee and local association representation to further the interests and well being of one or more groups of children or adults who are exceptional.
Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare Dual Diagnosis Program
Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare Dual Diagnosis Program offers an outreach stabilization service for individuals 16 and over with a developmental disability and psychiatric disorder.
Lola’s Roundtable
Lola’s Round Table provides safe and competent professional services to adults living with a disability, to help improve or maintain the self-defined quality of life of each individual.
Ministry of Community and Social Services
The programs of the Ministry of Community and Social Services help to build communities that are resilient, inclusive and sustained by the economic and civic contributions of all Ontarians.
Ontario Association for Infant and Child Development
Programs serve children from birth to five years of age and are sponsored by a variety of community agencies.
Sharing A Purpose (SAP)
SAP is a non-profit organization that aims to reach youth & adults who have an exceptionality with an umbrella of resources, supports & holistic assessments with goal-setting workshops.
Specs For Us
Eyewear for children who are special. Frames specially formatted to fit children with Down syndrome and other special needs.
The Windsor-Essex Family Network
WEFN has created a special shelf just for The Windsor-Essex Down Syndrome Association in their library.
Windsor Essex Brokerage
For adults over 18 years old who have a developmental disability, who want to begin to plan for the future and consider all of the options available to a have a full life in community.